Sunday, October 28, 2012

The Ribbons of Time

The Ribbons of Time

The Ribbons are broken. Time itself has stopped, and now its rotting to death. Your one of the hand full that can still move, that can still mend this Ribbons that control time. Though the answer is simple, it's much harder to do than it first seems...


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Church of England set for November 20 vote on women bishops

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Saturday, October 27, 2012

Lil Wayne Hasn't Suffered Any Seizures

A rep for Wayne tells MTV News the rapper is at home recovering from a severe migraine and dehydration.
By Rob Markman

Lil Wayne
Photo: Daniel Boczarski/ Getty Images


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New cabinet deal on health insurance, mortgages, child refugees

Friday 26 October 2012

The pending new Liberal-Labour government plans to scrap payments to help low-income households pay for health insurance from 2014, sources close to the cabinet formation talks said on Friday afternoon.

Health insurance benefit ? a maximum of ?70 per person ? will disappear as part of a shake-up in the way health insurance is paid for. The new coalition plans to introduce an income-dependent element to the fees, removing the need for extra cash.

Scrapping the benefit will raise ?4.5bn, all of which will be given back to households in the form of lower taxes. The new coalition plans to cut the 42% tax rate to 38%. Some five million people currently get health insurance benefit.

VVD leader Mark Rutte and Labour's Diederik Samsom have refused to comment on the leaks.

Mortgage tax relief

Earlier on Friday it emerged the two parties are planning to phase out the tax break on mortgages in phases of 0.5% a year. This means within 28 years the maximum break will have been cut from 52% to 38%, RTL news reported.

The right-wing VVD and Labour party have been in talks on forming a new government since the September 12 general election and are now nearing an end, political pundits agree.

Insiders say the new coalition has agreed to structurally cut spending by ?15bn in an effort to get the budget deficit below eurozone limits. The actual volume of cuts will be higher to pay for extra spending.


The broad agreement has now been sent to the government?s macro-economic forecasting agency CPB which will assess its impact on the state finances.

Once that has happened and policies have been fine-tuned, the coalition agreement can be presented to VVD and PvdA party members. The PvdA will hold a congress to vote on the deal ? probably next weekend.

Pundits say November 6 is a likely date for the presentation of the new cabinet.

According to media leaks, this has been agreed so far:

  • Mortgage tax relief will be reduced by 0.5% a year from 2014 for both new and current mortgages
  • The highest tax band will be cut from 52% to 49%
  • The third tax band will go down from 42% to 38%
  • Healthcare benefit will be scrapped
  • Health insurance premiums will become income-dependent
  • ?1bn will be cut from the development aid budget
  • The defence ministry will get extra cash for peace missions
  • Student grants will be replaced by loans and the fine for slow students will be scrapped.
  • Tax on insurance will be doubled to 21%
  • Civil servants will no longer be able to refuse to marry gay couples
  • Local councils will have the right to decide whether or not to allow Sunday shopping
  • A limited amnesty for refugee children who have become rooted in the Netherlands
  • Plans to make it easier for companies to sack staff will be reversed

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    Maui's Weekend: Macbeth to "Ghoulin Rouge" | Maui Now

    Maui?s Weekend: Macbeth to ?Ghoulin Rouge?

    October 26th, 2012 ? No Comments ? Arts & Entertainment, Featured

    By Vanessa Wolf

    Friday, October 26

    ? Maui Mall is excited to announce its biggest Halloween celebration yet, with the Halloween Carnival on Friday, October 26, 2012 from 5:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Families are invited to enjoy: Trick-or-treating throughout the mall at 5:30 p.m. and dancing with life-sized Cartoon Characters at 5:45 p.m.Pet Costume Contest?at 6 p.m. featuring most original, cutest, best pet and owner look-alike.

    Keiki costume contest at 7 p.m.

    7:00 p.m. Keiki Costume Contest?for ages 0-2, Ages 3-4, Ages 5-8, Ages 9-12

    Pre-register for both events at Fun Factory in the Maui Mall by 6 p.m.

    Montessori School of Maui?s 2nd annual Halloween costume party Ghoulin Rouge, to raise funds in support of the school?s mission. The theme for this year?s event is ?Cirque de Freak? creating the lavish and entertaining environment of a retro traveling circus. Supporters are encouraged to don their most creative costume and plan for a night of fun, to include great food, drinks and dancing to the music of Valerie the Vibe Goddess! 6 ? 10 p.m., 21 and over. Tickets are $85 each or private lounges with extra trimmings for parties of ten are available for $1,750 or $2,500.

    Russell Peters. Courtesy photo.

    This Friday, Russell Peters ? ranked as the 7th highest paid comedian by Forbes ? plays at the Maui Arts and Cultural Center. His observational style of comedy highlights racial, ethnic, class and cultural stereotypes. Having grown up in an Indian family, he impersonates the varying accents of different groups, poking friendly fun at each. For mature audiences only. $29.50/gen adm, $45/reserved seats, $65/premium seats. 8pm. Maui Arts and Cultural Center, Castle Theater.

    Saturday, October 27

    ? To honor and celebrate the generous spirit of volunteerism, the County of Maui, Volunteer Center is presenting the 5th Annual Volunteer Expo 2012 from 11 a.m. ? 2 p.m. at the Queen Kaahumanu Shopping Center main stage.?This is a great way to showcase these 25 exhibitors to the community. The world of non profits is what helps make Maui No Ka Oi? said Wendy Stebbins, County of Maui Volunteer Coordinator. Entertainment includes Zumba, ukulele virtuoso Derick Sebastian, Maui Academy of Performing Arts and Seabury Hall Hawaiian Ensemble. Members of the public are also encouraged to check out exhibits, play games and chat with the 25 non-profit agencies that signed up to be expo vendors.
    ? The Angkor Wat International Film Festival is at the MACC October 27 and 28th.?Among others, the festival will be showing ?Making of The Dark Side of the Moon? at 6 p.m. on the 27th.?Pink Floyd offers a track-by-track look at the making of the album, featuring interviews with band members Roger Waters, David Gilmour, Nick Mason and Richard Wright, plus rare acoustic versions of ?Breathe? and ?Brain Damage.?? Tickets are $10 per film or $24 for a pass for three films.
    ? If you already have tickets, then you know you?re one of the lucky few going to the Noble Chef event at the Fairmont Kea Lani in Wailea.The annual event is Maui Culinary Academy?s largest fundraiser, which helps benefit education, student career advancement and community service. The event serves both as a fundraiser and training event for upcoming chefs attending MCA. If this sounds interesting, well, better luck next year, as the event is sold out.

    Sunday, October 28

    ? Get into the Halloween spirit at the?Haunted Haiku Hike. The hikes begins at 2 p.m. and run until 8 p.m. on the half hour. The Haunted Herdsman leads a storied tour by the attractions and then you are free to roam the enchanted land. While on the?Haunted?Haiku Hike?you will encounter?The Headless Paniolo?who lost his head to a falling coconut,?The Cave of Moonshine Jim?who
    lived there for longer than anyone remembers,?a?Zombie Camp?of dead miners called back by the powers of Halloween,?and?a Haunted Maze?where all who go in don?t always come out. Hike along the creek in?Spider Alley?to get the the?Fortune-Telling Waterfall Gypsy?for words of wisdom. Tarot cards hold the knowledge of the universe, so don?t be afraid to ask a question to the Reader. Adults are $20 and kids are $5.
    ? Maui Academy of Performing Arts (MAPA) presents Macbeth, at the Steppingstone Playhouse. Shakespeare?s dark tragedy of ambition, passion and the fight for the soul of a man and a nation. Directed by David C. Johnston and starring William Makozak in the title role. Join the director and cast for discussions about the production after the matinees on October 28 and November 4. Show times are Friday, October 26 to Sunday, November 11. Fridays & Saturdays at 7:30 p.m. and Sundays at 2:00 p.m. Tickets?are?$18 adults, $15 seniors & students.

    Related Stories:

    Tags: Maui Arts and Entertainment?Maui Now Arts and Entertainment?maui weekend events

    Editor's Note:Maui Now is an open forum and we welcome any views. However, please apply your sense of aloha when posting comments - remarks that are unnecessarily offensive will be blocked.

    By publishing a comment, you are acknowledging that you are personally responsible for its contents.


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    Friday, October 26, 2012

    Survivor Philippines Episode 6 Recap

    We begin the Survivor Philippines Episode 6 recap on Night 13 as the Kalabawa Tribe returns from their first trip to Tribal Council. Katie feels isolated and alone now that her only ally, Dawson, was voted out. So she plots to stir up trouble and will try to get the tribe to vote off veteran player Jonathan Penner next. Good luck with that! On Day 14, she begins to spin her web, warning the newly arrived Denise that Jonathan probably has a hidden immunity idol. Day 15 and things are not looking good food-wise with the Tandang Tribe. Their supply of rice is nearly exhausted thanks to veteran player Michael Skupick frequently munching on it raw. He thinks the rice will cook in his tummy. Given that the temperature is above 100 degrees most of the time, he may be right. A Reward Challenge might help as the prize is a hearty lunch of thick, meaty sandwiches, soup and brownies. The event is for three players from each tribe to battle in the mud while trying to push a giant ball into a goal. In Round One, we have Jonathan, Carter and Denise for Kalabawa versus Mike, Pete and Lisa [...]


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    Nanotechnology helps scientists keep silver shiny

    ScienceDaily (Oct. 26, 2012) ? There are thousands of silver artifacts in museum collections around the world, and keeping them shiny is a constant challenge. So scientists are using new technology to give conservators a helping hand. A team of researchers led by Ray Phaneuf, a professor of materials science and engineering at the University of Maryland, College Park, has partnered with The Walters Art Museum in Baltimore to investigate less labor-intensive ways to protect silver artifacts from tarnishing. The new techniques, which might keep silver surfaces shiny for longer than traditional methods, could help ensure that historically important artifacts are preserved for future generations to learn from and enjoy.

    The researchers will present their work at the AVS 59th International Symposium and Exhibition, held Oct. 28 -- Nov. 2, in Tampa, Fla.

    Silver tarnishes when hydrogen sulfide in the air reacts with the silver, forming an unsightly black layer of silver sulfide on the surface of the artifact. If the tarnish appears on Grandma's silver flatware set, a little polisher and some elbow grease will easily remove it. But polishing, which works by dissolving or grinding away the silver-sulfide layer, can also remove some of the underlying silver, an undesirable outcome for priceless works of art.

    Currently museum conservators can apply a thin layer of nitrocellulose lacquer to protect the silver. The coating is often hand-painted by a trained specialist and must be removed and reapplied an average of every thirty years. Phaneuf notes that it is difficult to apply a layer of even thickness over an entire piece, and the process of applying, removing, and reapplying the film is time-consuming.

    "We did a quick back-of-the envelope calculation and found that for a big museum like the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York, treating their entire silver collection with nitrocellulose films would likely be a never-ending task," says Phaneuf.

    A quicker conservation method is to display silver pieces in an enclosed chamber with filtered air, but the chambers often leak, are expensive to install and maintain, and putting an artifact behind glass may prevent visitors from seeing the object up-close and from multiple angles.

    Phaneuf and his colleagues are investigating a technique that could overcome some of the shortcomings of current preservation methods. Called atomic layer deposition (ALD), the process gives scientists atomic-level control over the thickness of a transparent oxide film that they grow on the surface of silver objects. By running a series of surface-limited chemical reactions, researchers can build the protective film one atom-thick layer at a time. The films Phaneuf and his team have tested are under 100 nanometers thick, less than 1/1000th the thickness of a human hair.

    Phaneuf and his colleagues are currently experimenting by applying ALD films to highly uniform silver test wafers. The uniformity of the wafers allows the researchers to control variables, such as the composition of the silver, in order to create a model of the tarnishing kinetics as sulfur diffuses through the ALD film.

    "This is when we get to put on our physicists' hats," Phaneuf says of simplifying the test cases and building a predictive model. The test case results showed two components to the concentration profile, indicating a faster rate of sulfur diffusion through tiny pinholes in the protective oxide film. The researchers are now experimenting with multilayer films that plug these pinholes.

    Before the researchers use ALD on prized museum pieces, they will need to demonstrate that the coating can be removed without damaging the artifact, and that the thin film will have a minimal effect on the aesthetic look of the silver. In terms of appearance, ALD films may have another advantage over conventional nitrocellulose lacquer, which can yellow with age. Phaneuf and his colleagues are performing tests to measure how the thickness of the ALD films affects the way silver reflects light.

    "Untreated silver beautifully reflects white light," Phaneuf explains. "You don't want the protective film to create interference effects that make it look blue or yellow." The expert eyes of art conservators will also help the researchers judge their success in this respect.

    Phaneuf says that collaborating museums may soon allow the team to test their methods on forgeries of silver artifacts, and by year's end the team should be working with genuine pieces. "There is no shortage of complex objects this method might be applied to," Phaneuf notes. "There is a lot of interest now in the conservation community in how nanotechnology and other high technologies can be used to preserve art."

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    The above story is reprinted from materials provided by AVS: Science & Technology of Materials, Interfaces, and Processing, via Newswise.

    Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

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    Disclaimer: Views expressed in this article do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.


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    Major storm threat for East Coast early next week

    WASHINGTON (AP) ? Much of the U.S. East Coast has a good chance of getting blasted by gale-force winds, flooding, heavy rain and maybe even snow early next week by an unusual hybrid of hurricane and winter storm, federal and private forecasters say.

    Though still projecting several days ahead of Halloween week, the computer models are spooking meteorologists. Government scientists said Wednesday the storm has a 70 percent chance of smacking the Northeast and mid-Atlantic.

    Hurricane Sandy in the Caribbean, an early winter storm in the West, and a blast of arctic air from the North are predicted to collide, sloshing and parking over the country's most populous coastal corridor starting Sunday. The worst of it should peak early Tuesday, but it will stretch into midweek, forecasters say.

    "It'll be a rough couple days from Hatteras up to Cape Cod," said forecaster Jim Cisco of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration prediction center in College Park, Md. "We don't have many modern precedents for what the models are suggesting."

    It is likely to hit during a full moon when tides are near their highest, increasing coastal flooding potential, NOAA forecasts warn. And with some trees still leafy and the potential for snow, power outages could last to Election Day, some meteorologists fear. They say it has all the earmarks of a billion-dollar storm.

    Some have compared it to the so-called Perfect Storm that struck off the coast of New England in 1991, but Cisco said that one didn't hit as populated an area and is not comparable to what the East Coast may be facing. Nor is it like last year's Halloween storm, which was merely an early snowstorm in the Northeast.

    This has much more mess potential because it is a combination of different storm types that could produce a real whopper of weather problems, meteorologists say.

    "The Perfect Storm only did $200 million of damage and I'm thinking a billion," said Jeff Masters, meteorology director of the private service Weather Underground. "Yeah, it will be worse."

    But this is several days in advance, when weather forecasts are far less accurate. The National Hurricane Center only predicts five days in advance, and on Wednesday their forecasts had what's left of Sandy off the North Carolina coast on Monday. But the hurricane center's chief hurricane specialist, James Franklin, said the threat keeps increasing for "a major impact in the Northeast, New York area. In fact it would be such a big storm that it would affect all of the Northeast."

    The forecasts keep getting gloomier and more convincing with every day, several experts said.

    Cisco said the chance of the storm smacking the East jumped from 60 percent to 70 percent on Wednesday. Masters was somewhat skeptical on Tuesday, giving the storm scenario just a 40 percent likelihood, but on Wednesday he also upped that to 70 percent. The remaining computer models that previously hadn't shown the merger and mega-storm formation now predict a similar scenario.

    The biggest question mark is snow, and that depends on where the remnants of Sandy turn inland. The computer model that has been leading the pack in predicting the hybrid storm has it hitting around Delaware. But another model has the storm hitting closer to Maine. If it hits Delaware, the chances of snow increase in that region. If it hits farther north, chances for snow in the mid-Atlantic and even up to New York are lessened, Masters said.

    NOAA's Cisco said he could see the equivalent of several inches of snow or rain in the mid-Atlantic, depending on where the storm ends up. In the mountains, snow may be measured in feet instead of inches.


    Associated Press writer Tony Winton contributed to this report from Miami.



    NOAA's Hydrometeorological Prediction Center:

    National Hurricane Center:


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    Alternative Business Structures (ABS) ? High Street and Specialist ...

    Founder member of Core Legal David Mort, Co-owner and Director of IRN Research, looks at the progress of ABS so far and notes the significant number of high street and specialist law firms adopting the ABS model.


    In advance of the ABS launch earlier this year, many felt that big brands from outside the legal market would use the ABS model to enter the legal sector. So far, these big brands have largely been conspicuous by their absence, with the exception of the Co-op which was already offering legal services (and brands like the AA and Saga plus one or two insurance companies which have signalled their intentions to become ABS).

    By October 2012, around 30 ABSs had been licensed by the Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA) and another 150 or so were waiting for a decision on their license. There have also been another 11 specialist conveyancing ABSs licensed by the Council for Licensed Conveyancers.?The 30 licensed so far are a mix of high street firms, volume legal providers, new start-ups, and niche law firms but there are as many medium and smaller law firms becoming ABSs as there are larger firms.

    If there is a threat to high street legal from ABS, it is so far coming from established law firms like Irwin Mitchell and Russell Jones & Walker (plus the Co-op) which will use ABS, and external investment, to grow their volume personal injury and other consumer law businesses. Irwin Mitchell has just announced that it will embark on its first TV ad campaign this year to boost brand awareness.

    There are likely to be some ?big brands? in the remaining 150 ABS applications but we can also expect the mix of licences to continue to mirror the pattern set in the first 30, with more high street and specialist law firms taking the plunge.


    Licensed ABSs, October 2012


    Large established law firms

    Bott & Co
    Irwin Mitchell
    Plexus Law
    Russell Jones & Walker
    Winkwood Sherwood

    All, apart from Franklins, are top 200 law firms. Already, all have leading positions in the personal injury market and will use the ABS model to grow business.

    General practice medium law firms
    JCP Solicitors
    John Welch & Stammers Solicitors
    Langley Wellington

    John Welch and Langley Wellington are using the ABS model to allow a non-lawyer director to become a partner. JCP ? converted from LDP.?

    Specialist law firms
    Abbis Cadres (employment)
    Boyle Leonard Wilden (criminal law)
    Isadore Goodman (insolvency)
    NAS Legal (advocacy services in court)
    Parchment Law (will writers)
    Plain Law Solicitors (niche property law)
    Strata Solicitors (liability claims for insurers)
    TPP Law (public sector law)
    Tracy Miller Family Law

    Mainly using ABS model to allow non-lawyer employees or relatives to become partners.

    Medium/smaller personal injury law firms
    Accident Advice Solicitors
    Kayes Solicitors
    Mulderrigs Solicitors
    New Law Solicitors

    The first 2 law firms (and Mulderrigs) are bringing various non-lawyer employees into business as partners, e.g. Marketing Director, Accountant, partner?s wife. Kayes relaunching as Pudsey Law and moving from PI into other practice areas. New Law developing white label service.

    Big Brands
    Cooperative Legal Services

    Already a ?30m+ legal business and just expanded into family law.

    Start-ups/new businesses
    AAG Legal Services
    Crabtree Law
    Red Bar Law
    Thinking Legal

    AAG ? private client services and 2 non-lawyer shareholders; Crabtree Law ? new business set up by Crabtree Property Management;? Red Bar Law ? panel of 120 barristers with fixed-fee advice; Thinking Legal ? 2-person commercial law firm looking for partnerships with others.

    Lawbridge Solicitors
    Nicola Phillips Solicitors

    Lawbridge ? Practice Manager (wife) to become shareholder; Sole practitioner Nicola Phillips ? mother to become partner.


    Source: Solicitors Regulation Authority/IRN Research


    Related posts:

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    2. Uncertain Future For The Legal Market But Still Opportunities For Innovative Firms
    3. May 25th 2012 ? CoreLegal Seminar Focuses On Business Growth for High Street Law firms


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    Friday, Oct. 26, 2012: Freedom of religion, free ... - Bangor Daily News

    Freedom and religion

    A recent letter writer (? Republican Party platform,? BDN, 10/1) chastised Republicans for ?reasserting? the principle that ?freedom of religion? does not mean ?freedom from religion? and delivers a speculative parade of horrors. The writer seeks clarification.

    As a professor of constitutional law for 25 years at the University of California, I know something about this subject. ?Freedom from religion? is another way of saying that governments may not aid or acknowledge religion in any way. The logical end of this position is absurd: If a synagogue catches fire, the fire department can?t respond. Less extreme results would include excision of ?So help me God? from the end of the traditional presidential oath of office or denial of tax exemptions to churches.

    Freedom of religion means that the people are free to believe as they wish without state compulsion to the contrary and that the state may acknowledge their beliefs by, for example, making Christmas a holiday. Extreme secularists, such as the letter writer and, apparently, the Democratic Party, which begrudgingly admitted the possibility of a God (over the vociferous objections of many of the party?s convention delegates), would require a stern, perhaps Calvinist, rejection of any religious belief in the public square. That?s not what the founding generation had in mind.

    Calvin Massey

    Deer Isle

    A remarkable community

    We at Treworgy Family Orchards want to thank our customers on both sides of Question 1 who have treated us with respect after the unfolding of events on our Facebook page (? Treworgy family farmers take down ?No on 1? sign after Facebook flap,? BDN, 10/22). To those who have been less than respectful, we bear no hard feelings.

    Our farm?s mission is to be loving and welcoming to all our guests. Some of our guests expressed that they felt unwelcome and hurt by our sign. We decided to remove our ?No on 1? sign because we wanted to demonstrate that we can maintain our convictions, while showing love and respect for those who disagree with us.

    Many people have suggested that it was unwise for us to bring our personal convictions into our business. We do not separate our personal lives from our business. Our farm is an extension of who we are, and when we welcome people to our farm we welcome them to our home.

    We are grateful to be a part of this remarkable community that values real relationships more than political positions.

    Gary Treworgy


    It?s only fair

    There being too much money in politics and not enough to balance our federal budget may seem like two different problems, but they?re actually related.

    Both are a result of immensely wealthy individuals and huge multinational corporations gaining too much power in our society. But there are steps the middle class can take to regain control of our democracy.

    Maine, of course, has already gone a long way toward draining ?big money? out of politics with its Clean Elections system. Stellar state Senate candidates such as Geoff Gratwick of Bangor and David White of Bar Harbor, both Democrats, have as a result emerged. Now if Congress would get about overturning the awful Citizens United Supreme Court decision, which opened the door for billionaire kingmakers, we could demand some accountability from the supposedly independent committees that plague our elections with endless attack ads.

    By the same token, Congress could get a start on reducing our national debt by asking a little more from those with the most to give. Tax cuts should be allowed to expire on the 2 percent of American households with annual income over a quarter million dollars (while extending middle-income cuts). This would bring in hundreds of billions of dollars over the next decade for deficit reduction and strengthen middle-class programs such as Medicare.

    U.S. Sens. Susan Collins and Olympia Snowe should help forge a bipartisan budget deal now that includes such slightly higher taxes on the rich. Let?s get the money out of politics and do some good for our national finances. It?s only fair.

    Phil Bailey


    Safe streets

    Once again, Renee Ordway was right on target in her recent column about not feeling safe in certain areas local to Bangor and Brewer ( ?Bangor drug problem makes residents feel like ?hostages? in their own homes,? BDN, 10/6).

    Neither do I. I live in Brewer and am in my mid 60s. I no longer walk the streets of our local cities and feel totally safe. She was right about people coming up to you who you don?t know. Some look and act intimidating, like they want to start something. I carry a 9mm pistol most of the time these days, sometimes concealed, sometimes not. I also carry a mace gun. The last thing I want to do is actually have to shoot someone, so I have options. Of course I?ll always try to walk away, but sometimes that is not a safe alternative.

    The police do a great job but can?t be everywhere. The average arrival time can be up to six minutes. Sometimes we have to do what we need to do to protect ourselves, loved ones and, yes, even strangers.

    David Winslow


    Elections have consequences

    Two years ago residents of Bangor and Hermon chose Republican Nichi Farnham to represent us in the Maine Senate. Now her first term is drawing to a close. It would be wise to review her work.

    Farnham is a likable person and has worked for what she feels is the best interests of her community. Recently in the BDN, Farnham touted some of her accomplishments. Much was left unsaid, however.

    Farnham failed to mention that she helped spearhead the attempt to end same-day voter registration. She also failed to mention her support of Maine?s new insurance overhaul bill that has increased rates for older Mainers.

    She opposed issues important to women, earning a 33 percent rating from the Maine Women?s Lobby for the second session of the 125th Legislature. She opposed the right of child care workers to collectively bargain, sought to put unnecessary restrictions on Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Programs and supported restrictions on unemployment benefits.

    When faced with the choice of supporting her Republican colleagues? budget or standing up for the greater Bangor community, she voted along party lines, even when it meant cutting programs.

    Farnham has supported policies that make it harder to live and work in Maine. I urge residents to send Democrat Geoff Gratwick to the Senate to help reverse the harmful policies that have come from the LePage administration and senators such as Farnham.

    Mike Dunn

    Former state representative



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    Pocket brings its 'read it later' service to Mac App Store, keeps its free status

    Pocket brings its 'read it later' service to Mac App Store, keeps its free status

    We know Pocket has had a strong presence on iOS, Android and other platforms for quite some time now, but today the service formerly known as Read it Later announced it is now making its way to a bigger Cupertino screen. Naturally, Pocket's new application isn't much different than its mobile versions, meaning it'll offer the same offline access, save-for-later features as it currently does on the mobile front but with a more "native Mac experience" -- of course, this includes the ability to sync across multiple devices, stream videos and share tidbits via those cherished social networks. What's more, Pocket won't be charging a dime for its novel and handy OS X app, though this shouldn't come as a surprise given the outfit's somewhat recently adopted no-cost model -- still, it's a gesture most people will certainly appreciate, and one you Mac folk can start enjoying now by downloading from to the desktop-based App Store.

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    Wednesday, October 10, 2012

    Communication Brick Wall Hearing Or Blabbing Lips

    talking to brick wall communication

    People make a huge mistake when communicating. Huge! HUGE!

    After you understand that men and women communicate quite differently, intimate relationships are easier. If we learn, however, how to communicate like a dog, those same relationships grow even stronger.

    But we don?t just make this HUGE communication mistake when we are talking to our significant other. With each ongoing relationship, it is important to learn the natural communication style of the listener. Once that is down pat, communication with anyone is easier and more effective.

    There is still a HUGE communication problem.

    The problem isn?t that we don?t know how to communicate properly that makes us fail at communicating. Brace yourself because I?m going to tell you the big problem.

    We don?t communicate.

    Yes, that was the earth-shattering revelation.

    People half-heartedly listen to conversations or totally ignore each other. Often the woman is a set of non-stop blabbing lips speaker and the man is a brick wall listener. Communication isn?t happening. One won?t shut up and the other won?t listen.

    Then what happens?

    The silent treatment. Sleeping in the doghouse. Storming out of the house. Arguing. Screaming. Sleeping back to each other. Ignoring phone calls. Deleting texts.

    In a less intimate relationship, the non-communicators stop every attempt at talking to each other. All phone calls go to voice mail. No lunch meetings. Job changes are made to get away from each other. Any semblance of a relationship dies.

    Listening attentively is a skill, but it starts with a DESIRE to listen. Where there isn?t mutual respect, the desire to communicate doesn?t exist. In a marriage, lack of communication is like a dagger to the heart of the relationship. When sharing stops, the marriage ends. Maybe the people stay together because ?something is better than nothing? and they settle, but the marriage as a true bond dies. Not many things are worse than a marriage ending. It is full of sadness and a loss of dreams. I know because I?ve been there.

    I value a solid two way conversation and put it high on the list of important things in a relationship ? any relationship. Let me tell you one personal story for you to ponder that illustrates the importance of valuing communication.

    I will start by saying that I love my dad and miss him desperately since his death. I?m so glad that during the last seven years of his life we patched our relationship. All was forgiven and I cherished every second of his presence and voice coming over the phone line. I seriously can?t tell you how much I miss his phone calls. So bearing that in mind, I will share this story with you.

    When I was young and my parents were married, Dad would get home from work at 5:00 p.m. every day. Like a good wife, my mother had dinner waiting on the table for him as soon as he walked in the door. My inner clock was programmed for him to come home at the same time each day and I would wait with anticipation for Dad to walk through the front door.

    The key in the door would click and I would run as fast as possible to greet Dad as he walked into the house. I grabbed his leg with both arms and hugged him with all my might. Dad would walk into the house dragging me on his leg and never say a word. He never swooped me up in his arms. He never leaned down and kissed my face. He didn?t ruffle my red bouncy curls. Dad just kept walking and ignored my presence on his leg. When he sat down at the table, I obviously had to let go of my grip, but I had been completely ignored.

    That experience along with a few others is why I feel communication, sincere communication, is vital in a relationship. Being ignored can crush a soul and lead to a lifelong journey of low self-esteem. For me, if my dad didn?t think I was worth acknowledging and listening to, my ?brain? thought that I must not have much value.

    There is a fine line between brick wall hearing and non-stop blabbing lips. Neither is right, but both can be corrected by simply having the desire to communicate.

    Honestly, I can still feel the material of his pants leg on my cheek as I clutched him so tightly and begged in my heart for his attention. Obviously, now that I?m grown, I like to be greeted at the door wholeheartedly just the same as I wholeheartedly greet people who come through my door. Maybe that is why I?m such a hugger. Hmmm?I never thought of that aspect of my affections.

    How important do you think communication is in a relationship? If you have brick wall hearing or blabbing lips, do you see the impact your behavior has on the relationships that you engage in each day? I?d love to hear your thoughts.



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    How to make real friends (and pimp your Klout) with Flipboard ...

    I?ll get to the point: my secret to being amazingly- and profoundly-engaged with so many of my followers on Twitter, my friends on Facebook, and my circles on Google+ is because I cheat.?Whenever I am between things, in lines, waiting for something, and even on boring conference calls, I pull up Flipboard and read what my followers, friends, and circles are sharing ? a news ? and I generously retweet, +1, Like, Favorite, Share and Comment.?And I believe that Flipboard is my secret weapon when it comes to improving and maintaining my Klout score. Why? Well, the more I give the more I get. The more items I honestly and earnestly retweet, favorite, +1, Like and share, the more willing and game the people I share are also willing to take the few seconds it takes to retweet me back.

    One of the hardest things to do when it comes to participating in social media is trying to give more than you take. In order to really grow your reputation online you really need to be perceived as giving more than you take. Generosity is always rewarded in this marathon of social media engagement. In order to make the most of your work online, you need to work on becoming connected with your online community. Social media demands not only commitment to feeding the beast ? the 24/7 maw of content-creation ? but it also requires that you take an interest in what your followers and your friends are posting as well.

    And Flipboard makes it easy to do this. When you install it, go immediately to the red ribbon with the magnifying glass on it and login and link up all of your social networking credentials and Flipboard will automagically generate a personalised newspaper for you to peruse. Of course, you can also follow various topics and news sources and so forth ? and I do that as well ? but the real juice happens when you share the content of real people with whome you?re connect via reciprocal connection rather than just sharing content fed you directly from online media sources.

    And since I really only like, share, Favorite, +1, and retweet stuff that resonates with me, it helps build my character online, allowing me to build not only my personal and professional brand with my followers but it also allows these real people to get to know me better based on what I like, as well. Additionally, all of this great content aggregates right to me, so I become not just more broadly informed but also way more deeply-informed as well. Why? Because birds of a feather flock together.

    This is especially important for us social media experts, social media gurus, and social media marketers. We tend to be a little heavy-handed and tend to do a lot more egocentric and self-serving posts than other folks ? it?s our business ? so tempering our perceived abuse of these platforms with authentic sharing and an engaged back and forth is essential, otherwise people will tune out and we risk being unfollowed for being a little spammy.

    Because Flipboard isn?t an open mike, you won?t be tempted to read your own poetry, to just speak about your own stuff, your own brand. Because Flipboard is a reader that allows full social engagement and appreciate and wraps it up with a very gorgerous bow ? the UI is amazing and makes even the simplest blog posts feel like a full-color glossy magazing ? it?s no pain to consume all the share of everyone you too often ignore. And, instead of being painful torture, it?s actually quite amizing. Even more, because of how easy it is to navigate through the cross-platform interface ? including uniquely-designed Apple iOS apps for iPhone and iPad and a very attractive interface for the Android as well ? it?s easy to breeze past the articles, tweets and posts that don?t interest you and then move on to content that catches your eye ? and then easily Favorite, +1, Retweet, or Retweet with Comment. And, for you Twitter Grammar geeks, Flipboard knows how to set up an editable RT the right way, conveniently adding an RT before the quoted tweet and none of that stupid quote stuff some of the other tools offer.

    It reminds me of when I was a young poet in college. I would go to poetry readings and I would spend all of my time on my own poetry ? as was everyone else. Everyone was reading, reading, reading, at the reading, and nobody was listening to other poets. The audience was full of people who were spending all of their time reading or prepping to read and no one was listening.

    Same thing with social media. Most brands and companies are spending all of their time talking talking talking, sharing sharing sharing, link-dropping link-dropping link-dropping, that even just listening a little, engaging a little, responding sometimes is really appreciated ? and really unexpected, too.

    Spend some time every day giving back. Before Flipboard, it was still essential but a pain in the neck; with Flipboard, it?s actually a very informative and entertaining pleasure.



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    Tuesday, October 9, 2012

    Walther Arms Retains Papagalos Strategic Communications

    Walther Arms

    Walther Arms

    Fort Smith, AR --( Walther Arms, Inc. selects Papagalos Strategic Communications as its United States marketing firm.

    Papagalos, a full-service advertising agency that specializes in the outdoor market, will be involved in brand planning, advertising, public relations, online marketing, promotions, and sales materials.

    Germany based PW Group, owners of shooting sports companies CARL WALTHER GmbH Sportwaffen and Umarex, formed Walther Arms, Inc. to handle all the importation, sales, marketing, distribution, and servicing of Walther products in the United States.

    ?We are building a new team at Walther Arms. In all areas of marketing and sales, we are assembling top leaders with extensive experience in the firearm?s industry who can bring fresh new ideas to the brand. From the top down, we are creating a new energy for the brand. We are creating a new Walther,? said Cyndi Flannigan, Vice President of Sales and Marketing for Walther Arms, Inc.

    According to Nicholas Papagalos, President of Papagalos Strategic Communications, ?Walther is one of the industry?s most powerful brands. Amid a robust firearms market, Walther Arms is taking a more aggressive approach to distribution and marketing in the U.S. Papagalos is partnering with Walther Arms to implement bold new steps to intensify its marketing effort and increase market share.?

    About Walther Arms, Inc.
    Walther has been renowned throughout the world for its innovation since Carl Walther and his son, Fritz, created the first semi-automatic pistol in the year 1886. Today, the innovative spirit of its founders lives on as Walther celebrates 125 years as one of the world?s leading manufacturers of sporting, defense and law enforcement firearms. For more information, visit

    About Papagalos Strategic Communications
    Papagalos Strategic Communications is a full-service advertising agency specializing in building businesses through integrated marketing campaigns. Services include strategic brand planning, advertising, online marketing, public relations, branding, and promotion. The company has been in business for 20 years. For more information, visit


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    Box To Add ?Like? Feature, Creates A Hybrid Of Facebook And Google Docs

    box logoOn stage today at Boxworks, Box CEO Aaron Levie and his team unveiled service that will allow people to "Like" and edit documents within the Box environment. It's a smart move by Box, a company known more for its file storage than its social features. But it makes sense.?Box recently hired Writely Founder Sam Schillace as the company's vice president of engineering. ?Schillace is best known for founding Writely and then selling it to Google, his work becoming the foundation for Google Docs. Schillace's talents are now on display in the new offering.


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