Saturday, May 26, 2012

How to reduce your refrigerator?s energy conservation?

Many of us use Refrigerators at our homes. They provide us with instant chill water on a hot and sunny day; keep our vegetables and fruits fresh and sometimes keep fresh the leftover food from last night. No doubt this equipment needs to be turned on 24?7 without switching it off except for the winters maybe. Along with this heavy duty use comes an obvious problem?The monthly energy bill! Switching off the refrigerator is no solution to the problem as there is no way you turn off the refrigerator, then turn it on afterwards and expect your ice-cream to look the same as you left it.

Location of the Refrigerator

The place where you keep your refrigerator matters a lot as it decides the efficiency of the refrigerator. You must keep your refrigerator in your kitchen adjacent to the wall which receives the minimum amount of heat from Sun?s rays. Also make sure that it is far from the heat emitted by the various equipments in the kitchen. Keep the refrigerator at a considerable distance from the wall to help it emit the excess heat off. This will help the cooling elements to work efficiently by quickly exhausting the hot air from the system and hence reducing your energy consumption.

Keeping the Refrigerator door shut

Whenever possible keep the Refrigerator door shut and take the minimum possible time to take out the food ingredients which you want. So instead of opening the refrigerator door and spending an hour to decide what you will have for dessert make the decision fast or better decide it beforehand. This way you will save energy and eventually become a fast thinker!

Keeping hot food items

Suppose you just baked a pie and want to cool it down before you can treat your taste buds. But wait a second! Do not put the hot pie directly in the Refrigerator; instead wait for some time for the pie to cool down to the room temperature. This way you can save considerable energy spent by the refrigerator to cool down the food to the room temperature. (After which it will cool the stuff to a lower temperature as desired)

Clean the cooling coils

Clean the cooing coils behind the refrigerator once in a while to ensure proper cooing efficiency. Using vacuum cleaners will be a good way to clean the coils.

Check the door seal

When you close the refrigerator?s door make sure that the door seal is in good condition. A good door seal will not leak hot air inside the refrigerator. If you feel the door seal is not working as intended, then it will be better to contact your service center and let them check it out.

Maintenance of the refrigerator

Do periodical checking of the refrigerator by qualified personnel. This will increase your Refrigerator?s efficiency and provide a longer life to the various parts.

Buy an energy efficient refrigerator

While buying a refrigerator make sure that it has good energy savings rating. A five star is what you are looking for. They may cost a tad more initially but in the long run will save you money.

Switch off the refrigerator

If you are going on a vacation then make sure to switch off the refrigerator. Also make sure that you defrost your refrigerator, preferably outdoors so that you won?t need to buy life jackets to enter in your room after the vacation.

By following these steps you can reduce the energy consumption of your refrigerator by almost 25%. In other words if your monthly bill is $10 then it will reduce to $7.5 per month. A saving of $30 a year! So by Christmas you can get better gifts than last year for your family with the additional saving.

About the Author

Divya Rawat is a tech writer and a housewife. She works for an SEO Company which specializes in the field of Website Development. She has good knowledge and experience on how to use household equipments in a better and more efficient way.

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