Thursday, August 9, 2012

5 Tips To Healthy Friendships - Ginnyblogs!

Without sleepovers and all-night phone calls, it can be hard work keeping friendships alive as adults. And when your career, family, or new friends get in the way, those once-strong relationships can wither from neglect or crumble under pressure.??Most of us at least once in our life have been dumped by a friend.?So how can we proactively prevent losing them?

1. The number one important quality for a friendship is consistency, call a friend "just to talk" at least weekly and do not keep in touch with your?closest friends primarily via text message. In a world where "liking" a posted photo counts as keeping in touch, it's easy to?lack face-to-face dates in this day and age, but?is the occasional text enough to keep your bond strong?

Friendships Don't Just Happen, but?how you communicate isn't as?important as reaching out on a regular basis.? Spending time and special moments together can be difficult, but?even if?you only see each other every few months, make a point to make that date extra special. And dial her number between hang-outs, sometimes hearing each other voice?is much more bonding than a text here and there.

2. Understand the difference between a disagreement and a friendship killer.?Friendships ending?usually happen?by cutting them out of your life slowly. The reasons usually range from:

  • She did something unforgivable
  • We didn't have anything in common anymore
  • She was a bad influence?
Long-term friendships?are special and real friends are hard to find, especially as an adult,?so don't jump to splitsville right away over an argument.?Assess if your relationship is something worth maintaining. Your lives are moving in different directions, your relationship has drifted apart. But a real break occurs when a hurtful action happens. Otherwise always try to recover the relationship, anything causing you to pull apart can be worked on other than betrayal.
3. Most feel like they don't make enough time for their friends and some?have a friend they hang out with strictly out of obligation. The main reason most friendships die is because?usually one has not grown up has much as the other or the relationship is taken for granted by one or both involved. This happens often and without a little TLC, even the best friendships can wilt away. Just like romantic relationships, bonds with buds should enrich your life, not be an afterthought or something you take for granted.

It's our job to know what we need from a friendship and how to ask for it.?Rather then just cruising, we might as well give it a chance to be something meaningful. So take the future of your friendship into your own hands. Be upfront with your pals about what you need and want. And don't be afraid to be vulnerable?it shows your willingness to grow.

5.?Don't Play Ex Games

Sometimes it is tough when your friends break up and you feel like you have to choose a side. Sometimes the friendships can last with both exes but normally this will always cause a problem down the road for someone involved.

More than likely you are better friends with one over the other. Choose them and move on from drama unless it is absolutely impossible to choose a side.

Keeping close friendships intact can be a very difficult task to maintain these days. Between keeping on top of our life, work, relationships, spouses, and children. They can slip away petty fast before we even realize they are almost gone. So pick up the phone and call your girlfriends once a week, plan a lunch, dinner, or movie date twice a month.

Share some ginny bakes and a girlie movie with your girls this weekend!

xo ginny


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