Friday, August 31, 2012

Personality Sells Ebooks - Workflow: Writing

  • How to Cross-Sell eBooks

    6845 readers BookBaby president Brian Felsen interviewed Ami Greko (founder of Book Camp NYC and manager of vendor relations in the US for Kobo) about new ways authors can cross-sell eBooks, promote their work both online and in the real world, and incentivize book marketing experiments.? In this clip, Ami talks about back-ads and excerpts. Unlike in the

  • Writers Must Plan and Self-Promote

    3887 readersGetting published is not an acceptable answer to the question: What do you want to do with your book? Getting published is easy; there are many companies who are willing to publish your manuscript for the right price. The tougher question is: What are the marketing plans for your book? Selling books is hard. To do

  • Free eBooks Every Day

    3560 readersFeeling strapped for cash after buying a $130 eReader? No problem?try eBookNewser?s Free eBook of the Day column. Today?s free eBook is Hello Kitty Must Die by Angela S. Choi. The free selection includes everything from new eBooks that are only available for free for a limited promotional time period; public domain classics by authors like

  • Self Marketing is Necessary

    3834 readersWithout question; writers must be willing to market and promote their own book! This is especially important if you are self published. Many small independent publishers comment on the fact that too many authors are not willing to do what is necessary to help their publisher sell books. From knocking on doors of booksellers to

  • Self-Publishing & Local Marketing

    1041 readersSometimes it seems like the entire literary universe orbits around the tiny island of Manhattan. As self-published authors multiply around the country, this illusion has been broken?local book marketing is more important than ever before. Last weekend, GalleyCat prowled the floor of the Self-Publishing Book Expo. Along with 450 attendees from all corners of the country,

  • Post image for Ebooks Now & Tomorrow: Interview with Joshua Tallent of

    Ebooks Now & Tomorrow: Interview with Joshua Tallent of

    2680 readersEbooks Now & Tomorrow: Interview with Joshua Tallent of with information on preparing InDesign files and dealing with other conversion issues

  • 20 Free Sites Where You Can Promote Your eBook

    6158 readersThe fine folks at GalleyCat?have compiled a list of websites where you can promote your eBook for free, engage with an active online community of readers, and hopefully win yourself a few new fans. The list includes Addicted to eBooks, Author Marketing Club, Free eBooks Daily, and more. Click HERE to view the complete list. One place they

  • Study: Kids Like eBooks Better Than Print

    4530 readersDo you think that this generation of kids will still read print books when they grow up? According to a new report from the?Joan Ganz Cooney Center at Sesame Workshop, little kids already prefer to eBooks to print books. eBookNewser has more: ?The Center observed 24 families with children ages 3-6?for this ?QuickStudy? in the summer

  • 5 Things You Should Know About Book Promotion by Shobhan Bantwal

    2337 readers5 Things You Should Know is one of Literarily Speaking?s newest features. Here we find out five things about books, writing, publishing, the sky?s the limit? right out of the author?s mouth. Today?s guest is Shobhan Bantwal, author of the women?s fiction novel, The Unexpected Son. ?????????????????????????????????? Five Things

  • Predictions for 2011 from Smashwords Founder

    2877 readersIf 2010 was the year eBooks went mainstream, 2011 will be the year indie eBook authors go mainstream. According to Smashwords founder Mark Coker, indie eBook authors are becoming more professional and sophisticated, and they?re starting to climb the ...

  • Source:

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