Wednesday, August 15, 2012


Um, well, hi. I've been thinking about joining this place for a while, but haven't really been sure about it. I'm also unsure of what to I'll reference one of the threads one of you nice people sticked.

1. My username is Keotsu, and I chose this name because its the name of a character that I created that started out as a Naruto fanfiction character that grew to become his own being.

2. I found this place through a friend, though, I did stumble across it through Google previously.

3. I have roleplayed (minorly) on another site, but ultimately it left me dissatisfied; I did so for about three years, but I'm still active on that site.

4.I have been looking for a better place to roleplay than the previous site I was at; this place looked very promising.

5. I'm more interested in Fantasy roleplays than anything else; coming from an anime place, that tends to be the type of setting I like. <_<"

6. As far as hobbies, I mainly like to read, watch shows, or even just hang out with my friends. Basically, my hobbies are anything my friend and I can all do together and enjoy.

7. No noteworthy skills. T_T

8. No, no one in particular invited me here. I do believe someone I know is on the site, but I'll have to hunt him down.

9. Sorry, but no cookies. But thanks for sticking with me. ^_^

I hope to become a part of this place, as it looks like it could be a tremendous amount of fun.

^_^ Oh, and would someone be so kind as to link me to any sort of Global Rules that I may need to be aware of? It would be much appreciated.


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